Interest Groups

There are a variety of Interest Groups which cater to a broad range of interests.

Antiques and Art Appreciation

Meets on the first Thursday of the month at 11:00 am with a visit to a museum or gallery, or a presentation in a member's home, followed by lunch and social time. New members are welcome.

Gourmet Lunch

Meets on the fourth Thursday of each month in members' homes where they enjoy lunch and each other's friendship and company.


Meets on the second Thursday of the month at 10:30 am by Zoom. Fiction and non-fiction books are selected at the May meeting. New members are warmly welcomed.

Restaurant Lunch

Meets on the second Wednesday of each month to enjoy lunch at various restaurants. New members are welcome.


Meets when new season show schedules become available. These meetings establish the preferred shows and dates for the theatre visits. New members are welcome.

Those interested in joining UAWC-UTWA are invited to contact Linda Andrews, Membership Coordinator

Note: Occasional guests who attend Interest Groups are most welcome. However, those attending regularly will be considered as members and asked to pay the annual membership fee.

Updated: August 28, 2023 MS